Questions to be asked before the surgical procedure

Before the surgery, ask your doctor as many questions as needed. Also, before leaving the hospital, check all the instructions to make sure you will be able to take care of yourself the best way you can after you have left the hospital.

Ask questions such as:

  1. How do I physically get prepared for the surgery?
  2. How long before the surgery do I have to stop eating?
  3. Am I allowed to drink anything before the surgery?
  4. How long am I going to stay in the hospital?
  5. Shall I need some special medical products and/or medications after the surgery?
  6. Shall I need special home care?
  7. Shall I have to attend physical therapy?
  8. How is this surgery going to affect my body and what can I expect?
  9. What do I have to beware of and what do I have to do to speed up my recovery?
  10. What warning signs do I have to pay attention to after the surgery?
  11. How long will my recovery take?
  12. When shall I be able to resume my normal activities? (car driving, cycling, sports, hiking and the like)
  13. Is there a special diet I should follow?
  14. What else is important to know?

The answers to the above listed questions should prepare you for the surgery. If there is anything you will need after the surgery, get prepared in advance. Check where you will go to physical therapy or check the possibilities of in-home care. Before the surgery, take care of your body so that it is strong and that it may better stand the surgery and recover faster.