Treatment of incontinence (how to become and remain continent?)
Talk openly about incontinence. Discussion and review of the history of the disease (anamnesis) precede the onset of successful treatment of incontinence. The first and most important step towards the continence is to seek help and to cooperate actively because only so you can get the right help and advice.
Urinary and fecal incontinence may have different types and causes, so consulting and treating incontinence is a complex area. It is important to know that help is possible.
Exercises are just one part of the story about the health of the pelvis and the bladder. With a prompt reaction, incontinence can be cured, and it does not have to be an obstacle in life.
SimBex products are available to help you manage incontinence. SimBex’s professional team will be happy to show you the products, find the right aid for your needs, educate you about the application and give you insight into the economic effects of using Abri-San and Abri-Form aids.
With the right choice of effective and discrete product, you can freely engage in activities that you like.
Please contact your doctor or our Counselling Centre (free info phone 0800 206 206).